Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Thank god?

Last night I caught a few minutes of an old Law and Order SVU episode. In this one a 14 year old girl is found to have a venereal disease. When her father is told he practically disowns her. However, when he is told that she was raped, his reaction is "Thank god, she did nothing wrong." Thank god? His daughter is raped and becomes ill and he is glad that she was raped ???

I know it was a TV show but it reflects our society in many ways. Do you ever wonder why? Religion and the belief that women are less than human. Check out this article about the bible's take on women.

Thank god? I don't think so.


BEAST FCD said...

Fucking bullshit!

God must be watching too much Japanese porn.....

Real rape is not something to be thankful for....but unfortunately when religion is concerned all ethical values are horribly eschewed.


tina FCD said...

Sad. I know some people really do think this way. I would rather my daughters have sex that was wanted rather that!

SouthLoopScot said...

It doesn't surprise me that this case was taken from a real one. (I think they do that on Law & Order) So many idiots out there...

BEAST FCD said...

Thank God for shit, really.
