Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What Atheist Blog About

A comment from Rick:
Atheists write Blogs and argue that the Bible is Cruel and Unfair, Yet These same atheists never blog about things people do now a days that are cruel and unfair, only things in the Bible that took place 1000's of years ago.
Atheist do say that the bible is cruel and unfair, that the god of the bible is a mean, egotistical, misogynistic tyrant. You say that atheist don't blog about the terrible stuff that goes on today and speak only of things that happened thousands of years ago. That may or may not be the case, since I don't read all the atheist blogs. However, I must address this statement of yours because you have failed to recognize the topics we are talking about. Most of my topics have to do with the implausibility of a belief in god. Although I do think that looking at crimes and cruelty of today is very much an argument AGAINST any god, that has not been my primary focus.

When an argument is presented against the god of the bible you and others, come back with quotes from the bible as "evidence" for your belief. That is the reason I speak about the bible and not about current events. It is amazing to me that so many believers have not really read the bible; they know a few verses that agree with what they believe but fail to mention the horrible stuff that is written there.

I remember a conversation in which you defended the flood story. If I remember correctly, you stated that god warned the people and that they did not believe him so he was justified in wiping out the population. Not that I believe this story, but even if it were absolutely true, it still makes your god cruel and tyrannical.

Suppose I told my neighbor that I was planning to build a pool in my back yard and that if he did not believe me and help to complete it, in 20 years I was going to burn down his house. Suppose I reminded him every day and that he saw my children and siblings working on the pool, getting it ready for the great summer. And suppose further that I prayed that god would help my neighbor to see his error. But in all the warning and all my attempts to convince my neighbor, he still refuses. I burn his house down. Am I not cruel? 

Whether or not god warns people of what he will do if they do not comply with his wishes, the acts are still cruel.  A warning does not nullify the cruelty.

So now, when an atheist addresses the cruelty of the biblical past it is only relevant as to the claim that god is a good and loving god.


rick b said...

Hello Interested.
I think it's great that your doing a topic based on something I said. But I have said things like that before, but with more detail, So let me say it again with more detail for anyone who is reading this.

I have said many times, If Atheists dont believe in God, believe the Bible is nothing more than mere fiction and is not true, then why bother to keep talking about a God you dont believe in and a history that you dont believe exists.

To me, it seems no different to talk or blog about people who believe in the Easter bunny or Santa clause. I figure that atheists dont blog non stop about fairy tales like the E.B. Santa, the tooth fairy Etc.

Also Other religious groups like Muslims, JW, Mormons Etc do not Believe in Jesus or God of the Bible, They dont teach or believe in the Bible.

Yet Atheists dont blog non stop about these groups like they do about the Bible and Jesus.

This to me speaks Volumes. And you might say, I dont know what other atheists teach blog about, but I do since I have read or looked over many of them. The Atheists blogs are all the same, Slam Christians, Claim the Bible is fiction, God is not real, yet never or very rarely speak about other religions or Santa or the Easter Bunny, Etc.

Even if you find Atheists that do cover these issues, It amounts to Attack the Bible 100 times more than all these other religions.

rick b said...

Interested said When an argument is presented against the god of the bible you and others, come back with quotes from the bible as "evidence" for your belief. That is the reason I speak about the bible and not about current events. It is amazing to me that so many believers have not really read the bible; they know a few verses that agree with what they believe but fail to mention the horrible stuff that is written there.

I see atheists the same way as you see us Christians.

Very few Atheists dont know the Bible, and act as if they do. I notice many times atheists talk about the Bible and either are not aware of whats taught and act as if it is, or purposely leave out information in the Bible leaving people to believe something that is not really taught in the Bible.

As far as your claims go about Many Christians not knowing the Bible, Sadly that is true and I agree with you on that.

As far as your claim goes about Christians knowing the "Terrible" things taught in the Bible, and we dont mention them, for me thats not true. I mention these things, But I also explain why they happened since I know the Bible and it tells us why they happened.

As for the issue of these terrible things, it seems to me this is another issue of either ignorance on the part of atheists, or they know and worded so it leaves people to believe something that is not true.

Example, Atheists will say, it was terrible that God killed all these people. Like with Moses and Pharoah. Yet they leave out the part where Pharoah was wicked and cruel, put the Jews into very hard slavery, Had their young newborns Killed right after birth, and did many other terrible things.

So yes God dealt with Pharoah and his people. But Atheists will never mention what Pharoah Did to the Jews, They will only harp on How God punished them.

Then God also showed mercy to some of the Egyptians by allowing them to come and join the Jews and live if they wanted to. But again, that also is never mentioned. So how are these things not deceitful ways by atheists?

If we were presenting these cases in a court of law, and you guys left out all this information, the judge would either throw out the case, or hold you in contempt. If Atheists mentioned all these facts, and then said, I still dont believe in God or believe God is Cruel, then Fine, you can say that and believe that. But all the atheists I have listened to on radio, or read their blogs, Everyone, And I mean every single one. So You guys in My opinion are just as guilty as you claim God and we Christians are.

rick b said...

Interested said Suppose I told my neighbor that I was planning to build a pool in my back yard and that if he did not believe me and help to complete it, in 20 years I was going to burn down his house. Suppose I reminded him every day and that he saw my children and siblings working on the pool, getting it ready for the great summer. And suppose further that I prayed that god would help my neighbor to see his error. But in all the warning and all my attempts to convince my neighbor, he still refuses. I burn his house down. Am I not cruel?

Whether or not god warns people of what he will do if they do not comply with his wishes, the acts are still cruel. A warning does not nullify the cruelty.

Everything you said here, just proves my point on my last reply to you. It shows you dont know your bible.

With out going back and reading your Bible before answering me, Tell me, Why did God destroy the world with a flood?

Then tell me, How exactly do the story of the Flood and your pool story line up? I will tell you know, Your story shows you would be Cruel, Yet your story and the Flood account are not even remotely close to the same thing.

So lets see if you know your Bible with out asking friends or looking it up. Why did God destroy the world and what took place prior to him doing that? What Did God say and do, and how much time was given?

If you dont know this with out having to go back and look it up, research it, ask friends etc, then how can you honestly blog about it, claim God is cruel and act as if you know the Bible when you cannot answer this question?

Interested said...

Rick you missed the point again. It does not matter what god's reasons are, that is not part of the discussion. The cruelty exist because he performed acts of cruelty. There is never justification for cruelty in my book of morality. So again I say it doesn't matter that he warned them or that he had reasons, that is no excuse. If those stories were true and I do not believe they are the god of the bible is a cruel bastard.

rick b said...

Funny how you say their are no reasons for cruelty.

Yet Abortion is Not Cruel?
Partial Birth abortion is not cruel?

People try and justify Partial Birth abortion by saying, It will save the life of the Mother, Yet what they dont tell you is, If you choose partial birth abortion, you must allow the child to be partially born, then they will take scissors or a knife and stab them into the child's brain to kill that child. Or will pump it full of some drug to kill that child.

Even Obama passed a law that says, If A child is going to be aborted and that child for some strange reason lives, and is alive sitting on the table, doctors can still kill that child in the name of abortion.

These acts are beyond cruel and you dont care? if you claim to care, you never blog about them.

I seem to recall you saying you want nothing to do with this topic. These actions are beyond cruel and barbaric and yet are society allows them and justifys it and calls it good and a mothers right to do this.

Interested said...

Again Rick, I am not talking about other cruelty, it exists. Nothing I can do about it. My reason here is still the same...christians say that the bible is holy and that god is good...I just don't see it.

As fo my caring about abortion; I don't. It isn't something I have to deal with personally but I believe that every woman has the right to choose, no matter what.

I think it is much more cruel to have capital punishment and use legal murder to deal with crime than for a woman to have an abortion.

So let's stay on topic. My only claim is that your god (if he/she/it exixtx) is cruel and the bible is plenty of evidence for that.

rick b said...

I think it is sad for people to say, God is cruel, and Evil, yet ignore all the cruelty and evil in the world. Then to say, God cannot do as He chooses even though He created us, yet a women can kill her child in a cruel and evil manner simply because it is her body, and her choice. Ones ok, the other is not. Funny how that works.

As to capital punishment, I am all for it, You take someones life, you should give up your own in return. Not go to jail and have us tax payers pay for you to have good food, lift weights, Play video games, have sex and do pretty much what you want, then to be let go back into society, possibly to kill again or do something stupid.

Interested said...

There is cruelty in the world but remember, those women who have abortions are not asking for worship and threatening hell, fire and brimstone included to people who oppose them.

rick b said...

Interested said There is never justification for cruelty in my book of morality.

Your the one that said that, then when I point out acts of cruelty you try and justify them. So is their room in your book if it is by man, and their are good reasons, or does your logic only apply to God?

Also if you simply view the Bible as mere fiction and God is just a made up story, then why not read books by Steven King, or some other masters of horror, then talk about how the characters in their book do cruel acts of torture and other vile acts.

It seem to me, atheists general have double standers. It's ok to keep going after God and the Bible, But they claim He is not real. So why not talk about real people doing real acts and in real time. Not a God you dont believe exists, doing things to people you dont believe existed, from a time of roughly 4000 years ago.

Interested said...

We "go after god" because he is the only one asking for worship.

rick b said...

Interested said

We "go after god" because he is the only one asking for worship.

If you dont believe God is real, then why do you care? Like I said, you might as well read in book like Steven King and go after him.

Since your looking to "attack people who want worship, Then go after satanists since satan wants to be worshiped. Or look to Mormons who believe they will be gods someday and be worshiped.

Or look to Buddhists, Buddha wants worship, and Buddhists worship him. Or look at rock stars, movie stars or sports figures. Not everyone wants to be worshiped, But many do by their actions. Yet I suspect you will find a way to justify these other people or groups and only claim God is in need of attack and no one else.

Interested said...

Rick I care because I value truth and it hurts me to see good people piddle away the only life we have in the hope of something better when we die. I care because I believe in freedom and religion, theism in general, shackles the minds of so many whom I love. Worship of anyone or anything is destructive and dangerous.

There is a difference in all the examples you state regarding those who want worship. The god of the bible proposes to be all goodness and love yet he commits such atrocities. Rock stars my crave worship but they don't threaten to send people to hell if they don't get it.

I know you are smart enough to see the difference in the bible and its god and a Stephen King novel so I think you are just grabbing at straws.

I know you are questioning in many ways and for that I am glad. Never stop: question everything!

rick b said...

Interested said Rick I care because I value truth and it hurts me to see good people piddle away the only life we have in the hope of something better when we die

Well I know many people who feel you dont value the truth and reject the truth. So I dont think you should waste your life telling us we are wasting ours.

As I said before about myself, and I know others who faced the same things, I was breaking into people's homes, saw a shrink when I was 5 years old, had a restraining order put on me by a pastor of a church, and many, many more things. If it were not for me believing in Jesus, I would be dead or in Jail and someone or people might be dead, I know I tried twice to kill some one.

Then if your right and I am wrong, then after I am dead, I lost nothing and wont care since I will cease to exist.

If I am right and your wrong, you will have lost everything, I will have gained everything.

rick b said...

You have said before, God cannot be real, because a God of love who not do the things He has done. He is the problem with what you say.

We view many people as being good, but how do you define "being Good"?

If people say, if God is all loving and good, He would not do these things.

So it stands to reason if you use that logic with God, then you must use that logic on people and then say, to define someone as being really good or really loving, then they must allow evil people to exist and do evil acts. Because if someone punishes evil people then they cannot be good or loving.

You might not agree with the death penalty, But at the same time, this guy that killed and shot up those people going to the movies, you wont simply say, let him go free as if he never did anything.

It seems people want God to just let everyone go and do as they wish, since if He punishes wicked people then He cannot be all loving or good.

But this also show people do not know the Bible, since the Bible tells us, God is a judge, and judges wickedness. He also is a warrior, and fights battles for His people. So God is not simply just all loving and all Good, he also is a judge and a warrior.

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