Sunday, January 15, 2012

Teach the controversy


rick b said...

Another Clueless Video.

Clueless and ignorant because if you read the Bible, The issue on Leprosy and how to cure it was given to the Jews by God. Gentiles were not told or commanded to follow the ways of the Jews unless you converted to Judaism.

Then if you read the NT, you find Luke was a Doctor, Their is nothing wrong with a Christian going to a doctor or taking medicine or having surgery Etc.

Yes I understand their are some Christians out their that deny these things or are opposed to them, But over all they are really very few compared to the over all amount.

Jesus or the Apostles never said, dont go to a doctor, again, Luke was a doctor, so if the Apostle and follower or Jesus was a doctor, then I see nothing wrong with going to a doctor.

Funny thing about this video is, It is a Christian that said, I was on a mission to India. I never see Atheists going on missions to spread atheism and share the joys of atheism. I never see them going to foreign countries with care and concern to risk life and limb to set these people "free" from the bounds that atheists feel they are under. Why is that. Here atheists sit in their homes, schools and coffee houses protected by government laws, telling us supposed ignorant religious people how God does not exist, and how evil religion is supposed to be, yet these same people never leave and go to the 3rd world countries and share this message of hope that God does not exist and how free you would be if he were not real. Why is that?

rick b said...

I have heard atheists claim over and over Christians and Christianity is a religion. I have also said, I as a believer hate religion. And Christianity is not a religion.

Well check out this 4 minute video, this guys lays out a great difference between Christianity and religion and how they are not the same.

Interested said...

I know you say that the rules laid down for the Jews don't count but that doesn't make a lot of sense either. If the bible is the word of god and god is never changing, then how can that be?

Yes, many atheist go to foreign countries and help. Bill Gates and his wife have gone many times, Angelina Jollie and Oprah have all gone and done great things in foreign countries, without requiring that the poor folks have to listen to a sermon to get help.

I was once married to a missionary who spent time in Hatti and I have known many. They all want to grow their churches, that's why they are there. No different than the Mormons but a little less honest.

Sorry Rick but when you continue to say that these people are clueless you do show ignorance. The people in these videos provide good information and you would do well to listen better.

No one, least of all me, is trying to convert you but as the "most hated minority" in America, I am looking for some respect. I am an American and I deserve to be heard; and to be treated as an American not a usurper who should "leave this Christian country".

rick b said...

Interested said I know you say that the rules laid down for the Jews don't count but that doesn't make a lot of sense either. If the bible is the word of god and god is never changing, then how can that be?

It's things like this that tell me when Atheists make complaints about the Bible, they are unfounded and simply attacks against a God they hate even if they say, How can I hate someone I dont believe in?

If you read your Bible you will see that at first it was just the human race, Adam and Eve and all the people that were born from them. Then after the Flood of Noah, it still was just the human race and people in general, But then God took one guy and his wife and set them apart and said the would be the founding parents of the nation of Israel.

As a result we have the Jews, then God set the Jews apart and His plan was to give the Jews a set of Rules and laws to follow, and if they followed these rules they would be greatly blessed, if they did not then they would be cursed.

Gods plan was for the Jews to follow, obey and be so blessed that the rest of the people the gentiles would say, we want what they have and convert to Judaism.

Yet the Jews did not obey God and kept going after the false Gods of the gentiles and they also kept getting power hungry and adding rules and laws that God never created, so the Jews ended up with so many rules and laws that they could not even do it.

But all along God knew that a Savior (Jesus) would be born and then after Jesus came along He would keep the laws perfectly and then we would no longer need to convert to Judaism.

The NT even tells us that we are no longer under the Law but under grace. It also tells us that no one can fully keep the law and we are all law breakers.

So for all the atheists that keep bringing up the OT laws that were given to the Jews and keep saying were not good Christians and we dont really believe the Bible because we dont follow these laws either dont know the Bible and need to read it before they start mentioning it, or they know what it teaches and they are purposelessly lying and trying to lead people astray by saying things they know are not true about the Bible.

rick b said...

Interested said
Yes, many atheist go to foreign countries and help. Bill Gates and his wife have gone many times, Angelina Jollie and Oprah have all gone and done great things in foreign countries, without requiring that the poor folks have to listen to a sermon to get help.

I know these people go over and give money, But my question was, Have these guys ever built a Hospital, or Orphanage, or College or school?

Christians have built and started all these here in the US and over seas, then after they get bigger or the people that started them die, then other take over them, but has an atheists ever built one up from scratch?

Also when these guys go over seas and give money, are they walking the street and handing it out to the poor and needy or are the giving it to the corrupt governments that just keep it?

Also not all Christians go over seas or even here in America and require people to first listen before they help, yes it does happen, but not every one does that.

Interested said
Sorry Rick but when you continue to say that these people are clueless you do show ignorance. The people in these videos provide good information and you would do well to listen better.

I can and will say they are ignorant because they are, as I have said many times, atheists either do know what the Bible says, yet they purposely leave out information, so people are believing things about the Bible that are not true, or these atheists dont know the Bible but still act as if they do and then that also is misleading. How is misleading someone being true and honest and fact filled?

Interested said No one, least of all me, is trying to convert you but as the "most hated minority" in America, I am looking for some respect. I am an American and I deserve to be heard; and to be treated as an American not a usurper who should "leave this Christian country".

You show me a couple of people that claim to be Christians and say they hate you and you should leave the country, this makes you mad and you claim you want respect, yet I can show you Atheists who say the same things about us Christians, Penn and Teller Being a big and famous name that Hates us Christians and are vocal about it, yet I dont see you atheists saying we need to show the Christians respect if we in turn want respect.

Also I have told you many times in private emails and here on this blog, I call you a friend, I like you and would be more than happy to have you over for dinner, coffee or just hang out.

Plus These so called Christians who say these things about atheists are also clueless. If these Christians read their Bibles they would see a few things.

1. God said He died for Everyone, all of the Human Race, not Just a select people.

2. Jesus said, Love thy Neighbor, Atheists are my Neighbors.

3. If Christians want to say, well these atheists hate us and they are my enemy, Then Jesus said we are to love our enemy, and pray for those who attack us.

Last of all, Jesus said, we are to forgive people, Simply forgive or we are selves cannot be forgiven, so just tell any so called Christian that says they hate you or you should leave the country to better read their Bible and look at what Jesus said.